Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Final Evaluation - Music Video Task

Teamwork during Pre-Production:
Our group ran into a few problems whilst developing our concept, though they weren’t too bad. We had some trouble making the story make sense in some parts such after the puppets wake up and how we could introduce the film, though we agreed on most things. Some other problems we encountered were understanding each others ideas for some parts of the video, such as Ilona’s idea for fading some shots together and Georgina’s idea for moving the camera into the box. We didn’t have much trouble choosing the song at all, it was quite a short and quick process choosing the song after we had decided on the concept.
I believe our group used the storyboards well to understand each others ideas and to explain what we were picturing. These also helped during the filming process, so that we knew how we wanted the shot to turn out. The shot list was also completed well, we split it into three so each of us had an equal amount to do. The shot list was done thouroughly so we wouldn’t have trouble filming and it was done in a way that we would be organised whilst filming.
Our group worked very well during class. We spent the first week or tow finalising our storyline and making sure we were all happy with it. We spent this time making a short plan of the actions that needed to happen during the music video and we also spent this time choosing our song. We then made our shot lists and did our treatments in the class time. We didn't begin filming as we needed to be off campus to shoot our video. Each group member had a task at all times, whether it was doing their treatment, shot list or storyboards.
Our group focused a lot more in class because we got to choose our groups, so we were much more comfortable and knew how each member worked. We worked together much better than last term, as we got to choose our groups and this helped with the teamwork. To improve our pre-production documents, we spent a lot more time on them in class and tried to do a bit outside of class as well. We also tried to work together a lot more to get it done rather than sitting individually and doing it completely by ourselves. Overall I believe we did improve our pre-production.
Teamwork during Production and Post-Production:
The storyboards weren’t used much during the filming process, as the main reason we completed them was to get each other to understand our ideas. We did use them during the filming if we had forgotten how we wanted it to turn out or if the person filming didn’t completely understand how the shot needed to be done. The shot list was extremely helpful during the filming process. It helped us to know what we had to film and if we had to film anything else for the video. It was a document we could refer to to ensure that everything had been filmed. It also helped us to keep organised in what props/costumes we needed and how we needed to film each scene.
Our group didn’t run into too many organisational issues during the filming process. Though one issue we did encounter was before we even started filming, as we were going to organise to take a camera home during the holidays so that we could film, but we forgot to and therefore had to use a different camera. But luckily the camera had the settings that we needed to film in. Each group member contributed a fair amount and showed up to each filming day and each member remembered their costumes and documents. The main reason we were organised was because we left most of the props and costumes at Ilona’s house so that we wouldn’t forget anything. We also organised the days and made sure everybody could come, though on one of the days both Georgina and I were very late because of traffic but we still managed to get a lot done.
We encountered a few problems whilst editing. One of the major issues we encountered was that the timing was out when we tried to put all of our separate edits together. This took a while to resolve but we ended up getting everything back in time though we did have to add a couple of shots in to make it fit again. We also encountered issues with timing of ending and starting individual edits. I didn’t have trouble knowing where to start, because I had the starting edit and Georgina didn’t have trouble knowing where to end because she had the finishing edit, but because Ilona had the centre edit we had to match up where we would be ending/starting exactly and we had some issues where we crossed into someone else’s edit. But we fixed this easily by figuring out who had edited more. Our group worked extremely well together and I am happy with how it turned out.
Our group finished all of the shots we had planned to do and we also did a few extra. Though we didn’t end up using all the shots, we were happy that we had shot extra because it gave us enough that we were not under the time limit.
Discuss your individual feelings about the Music Video Task:
I am very satisfied with the final result of our music video. It turned out as we all imagined it would and we had a lot of fun completing it. I wouldn’t change any aspects of the concept of our video, though I do wish we had thought some things through a bit more before we started filming. I would have liked to be a bit more consistent with a few things, like Ilona wearing her watch in some scenes and not others and also her wearing shoes in some shots.
If I could start the project again, I would complete the planning a bit earlier and think into a few bits of the concept a bit more. I would also have liked to finishing filming and organise filming dates earlier in the project so that we had a lot more time for editing.
It was much easier planning, filming and managing my time during this project. This was because my group worked much better together this term and we all cooperated well. Also, because of the short time to complete the task, we managed our time much better so that we could get everything done on time. The planning and filming was easier because we had experience from last term and knew what worked and didn’t work. Overall this term we were much more organised.
I believe that my treatment accurately reflected our music video as we had thought the concept through a lot before I started working on the treatment. The concept and the final product are extremely similar and I am very happy about that. Though they are very similar in most ways, there were some small differences from what I had imagined, but other than that everything was very similar to what I had written in the treatment.

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