Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Group Feedback

Group 1 – Holly, Jazmin, Nikky, Montana:
·      Story made sense
·      A bit too horror
·      Shots/cinematography was good at the start but the camera started to get a bit shaky in later shots
·      The use of uniforms wasn’t too good at the end – could’ve used different costumes
·      The lighting could have been better
·      Flashback wasn’t very clear
·      Good acting
·      Low and high angles
·      Editing wasn’t amazing
·      Props were good

Group 2 – Julian, Isabella, Lauren, Shae
·      Story boarding could have been better
·      Clock was a good shot
·      A good use of rule of thirds
·      A bit shaky in parts
·      Good unfocused shots
·      Locations were good
·      Clear storyline

Group 3 – Charlie, Madi, Georgia, Sofia
·      Costumes could have been better
·      Shaky shots
·      Locations were very similar
·      Storyline was a bit confusing/odd
·      Sound effects were cool
·      Didn’t use lighting
·      Unreal – acting

Group 4 – Georgina, Ilona, Christie, Hannah
·      Good storyline
·      A bit shaky
·      Interview and murder happened in the same place
·      Lighting could’ve been better in some parts
·      Storyline could have been clarified a bit
·      Flash backs were confusing

Monday, June 3, 2013

Final Evaluation

Teamwork during Pre-Production:
During the planning process, our group worked fairly well together, though there were some issues. The biggest problem we encountered was the time each of us could put into the activities, though we split up the planning and got it done. Each of us had our own task to complete, though we did do a few things together as we needed more input on a few of the tasks. Another problem encountered was incomplete planning. Some of the planning wasn’t completed when it was supposed to be and therefore we had a longer amount of time planning, which cut out some filming time. Though we encountered these issues, the planning templates on Blackboard helped considerably. The templates were very useful and we used all of them during the process, especially the shot list template, which proved to be extremely useful during the filming process. We filled out each template effectively prior to the filming process and they were all effectively filled out. Our group did work fairly well in class, though there were some instances where we could have gotten more done. Each group member had a set task to do during class and for homework. Though each member had their set task, Maddie didn’t do some of hers, such as the Femme Fatale character profile. Our group could improve our time management, by splitting up the tasks a bit more and getting more work done during the lessons. By doing this, we would finish the planning earlier and be a lot more organized with it.

Teamwork during Production:
Our group used the production templates quite a lot during the filming process. The one that helped the most was the shot list, which we referred to a lot. The shot list listed all the shots we had to complete to get the movie finished and was a very helpful tool in the production. The prop list and shooting schedule were also great, as it told each member of the group what they had to bring for the each lesson and what days each member could film. We encountered a fair few organisational issues during the filming process. These problems include, members not co-operating or contributing, props not being brought in and costumes being forgotten. When the members didn’t co-operate or contribute, a lot of our filming time was cut off, meaning we had to speed up the filming, which affected our project. Also, when props or costumes weren’t brought in, this meant that we couldn’t film what we had planned to do that day and therefore had to either move onto a different scene or shoot small scenes that didn’t require what had been forgotten. This, again, cut out some filming time. Our group didn’t complete all the shots in our planning. Some of the shots were changed to suit the location or because we found them more suiting and some shots were not completed because we didn’t have the correct amount of time or we didn’t realise they had not been shot until after the filming process had concluded.

Discuss your individual feelings about the rough edit:
I am satisfied with the final result, though some of the footage could have been better. Some of it is shaky and a lot of it was unusable, though we did find the good shots out of it all, some of them still could have been a bit better. There were also a few shots where the sound wasn’t very good and a few where there were some things in the background that shouldn’t have been there. There was also one scene that we didn’t have the correct costume for. The rough edit doesn’t meet the time requirements. We thought it would be longer. As we planned for only the introduction, we planned what we thought was necessary but it turned out there wasn’t enough.  To improve this we could add in a few more shots and in the future we should plan more shots. Our film does require some additional shots, as the film wasn’t long enough. We also definitely need to reshoot a lot of the footage, as some of it was shaky and some of it, again, had things in the background or we didn’t have the correct costume. I wouldn’t change too much of my film, though I would change some of the locations we filmed at and a few of the camera angles we used. If I could start the project again, I would plan more then we did this time and I would also try to be a lot more organized when filming so we could get more done and so we wouldn’t have to reshoot as much as we do this time. The planning took longer than I anticipated and so did the filming. The filming took longer than I expected as sometimes the group wasn’t co-operating or we couldn’t film the scene we wanted to that day. Because of this, we didn’t have as much time to edit as I would have liked. I believe I undertook a fair amount of detailed reflection, though I do think I could have done more than I did. I could have posted a few more reflections as I didn’t post some a few times for the appropriate week. I believe I have enough evidence to support my work, through the reflections I have done and the planning I have posted.

Overall I am happy with how the project went, but I do believe there could have been a few changes made to the process, co-operation and finished product. 


Sunday, June 2, 2013


Millie: It all started late one night. It was a busy night at the bar. I’d just finished my shift at work and the bar had just closed when I heard a shot. It was so loud. I ran towards the sound, into my boss’s office but all I saw was his body. And the safe was emptied. The shooter got away. Please. You’ve got to help me.

Detective’s Office:
PI: How can I help you?
Victoria: My Boss has been murdered.
PI: Do you know any details?
Victoria: All I heard was a gunshot.
PI: Tell me everything.

*Handing over money*
PI: I’m sure that’ll do.

PI: I’ll try my best to get that done for you.
Victoria: Thank you.

*Leaving PI’s Office*
Victoria (Into phone): It’s done. They shouldn’t suspect a thing.