Monday, March 12, 2012

My Avatar 4

In todays class, I finished off the hair of my character and moved onto the face. I have been experimenting with colours that will go well on her face and I have been trying to find one that I am happy with. At the moment, I have this colour on her face which I am currently trying to rub out and blend into her face, I am quite happy with this colour so far. I experimented with colours for half of the lesson, and for the other half, I was on flickr. On flickr, I searched for photos of textures that I could put on her face and that could be blended in well. So far, I have not found one that I am happy with, but I am getting there. I am very happy with my avatar so far, and next lesson, I am planning on completing the colour of her face and adding a texture onto her face, and I am also planning to start trying to get rid of the school uniform.

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